This poem is my gift to you if you feel all alone and as if no one cares. If you can, print it out and tuck it in a safe place where you can always find it.
Showing posts with label God. Show all posts
Showing posts with label God. Show all posts
Friday, 19 February 2016
Monday, 15 February 2016
The fog was thick like walls around
Impen'tratable and deep
And there was I so sick and sore
And too inclined to weep.
But move I must so slowly walked
With weary feet and mind,
The trail was slanting lower still
But I was feeling blind.
How long I plod this downward trek
I cannot think or say,
I longed to feel a hand in mine ,
A Guide to lead the way.
I dimly knew that God was kind
And won't forsake His own
But demons taunted in that mist
Which made me sigh and groan.
Yet when I felt all hope was gone
And I had lost the road
I weakly said "I'll not give up"
I'll trust in Christ my Lord.
I'm standing now on Blessings' Peak
(An angel brought me there.)
Rainbows of hope swirl all around
The Lord God answers prayer.
Marilyn Friesen
Impen'tratable and deep
And there was I so sick and sore
And too inclined to weep.
But move I must so slowly walked
With weary feet and mind,
The trail was slanting lower still
But I was feeling blind.
How long I plod this downward trek
I cannot think or say,
I longed to feel a hand in mine ,
A Guide to lead the way.
I dimly knew that God was kind
And won't forsake His own
But demons taunted in that mist
Which made me sigh and groan.
Yet when I felt all hope was gone
And I had lost the road
I weakly said "I'll not give up"
I'll trust in Christ my Lord.
I'm standing now on Blessings' Peak
(An angel brought me there.)
Rainbows of hope swirl all around
The Lord God answers prayer.
Marilyn Friesen
Tuesday, 27 January 2015
Partridge Exposed!
I don’t know so terribly much about partridges but suspect they have a lot in common with chickens. Anyone who knows me well knows how fond I am of raising free range hens and selling the eggs. But there is something even more enjoyable than that. It is watching Mama Bird possessively brood over a nest of eggs and patiently wait, with barely any food or water, for those little guys to be mature enough to peck their way out of the shells. Her nurturing instinct doesn’t end there, however, and I love to see how she calls her little brood over to share some food she has discovered. I love even more how they nestle under her wings yet peek out, out of curiosity at the friendly world around them. I have an amusing memory of one ‘teenage’ chick
Saturday, 24 January 2015
He said, "I Don't Believe in God"
My dear friend,
You declared recently that you don’t believe in God, anymore.
calling out to God,
Monday, 5 January 2015
So Who Hates God?
Have you ever noticed that the people who hate God the most seem to know the least about the Bible, and probably have never, ever had a sweet meaningful relationship with Him? I wonder why that is, but suspect that one of the likely reasons
Tuesday, 23 December 2014
God Knows My Size
How many years is it since Darwin presented the evolution theory to the world? It must be well over one hundred by now, am I right? So how many students in that time have been taught that humans evolved from monkeys, or even lesser beings? It would take a more mathematical mind than mine to even make a rough guess. Anyone want to chance it?
The point I’m getting at, is, if evolution has a solid base of truth and there wasn’t so many gaps in the theory, wouldn’t we all be convinced by now that everything just happened? Why are there so many, even those that proclaim themselves as atheists, plagued with doubts from time to time?
Back in Russia where teaching about God were mocked and scorned and stomped on possibly more viciously than almost anywhere else there was a young student who also had questions about the existence of God. Sure, her parents and a few others were ‘devout believers’ but she was feeling unsure so started to talk to the ‘God’ her parents seemed so well acquainted with.
She didn’t make it easy for this ‘God’ to convince her that He was real either. They were living in a two room shelter at the time, and ‘they’ included eleven others in her family. That shouts poverty, right? Well, winter was coming on, and she wanted a new coat and a sweater. Could God provide that for her; her, just one little girl among the millions of other poor children throughout the world? From a girlish viewpoint there was something else that she wanted almost as much if not more than that comfortable winter clothing. She wanted shoes, feminine shoes. It was no fun at all clomping off to school in her brother’s boots that she had to stuff with newspaper to keep from falling off.
Well, she prayed, and prayed, but no answer seemed to be forthcoming. I guess she must have started finding comfort in her nightly chats with God because she kept on for several weeks.
Then one day Daddy came home from work carrying a big package. You can be sure all those children were excited and curious to know what it was, and their parents couldn’t even guess.
Sit back and picture that girl’s thrill of awe when first one, then two, then three items were pulled out of the box and they were just what she had asked for. There was a beautiful burgundy coat, a gray sweater, and brown shoes with little heels and a design stamped on the tops. Were they new? Yes. Did they fit her perfectly? Absolutely.
“I hadn’t even remembered to tell Him my size,” she whispered with tears in her voice.
Friday, 19 December 2014
Jesus' Mother Huddling in the Rain
Now, let’s see. Where did I leave off, last? How often will I have to post to get this done by Christmas? Okay, okay, I’ll step out of the picture so you can immerse yourself into the First Christmas Story.
21st Chisleu
December 6th
First light, if you can call it that, I heard a wind come up during the night, and by morning the clouds had blotted out the sun. The Geshem, (latter rains) descended upon us with a vengeance, we were miserable even before Balaam’s saddlebags
were properly repacked. Yosef and I donned our thick woolen cloaks,
but it was impossible for me to hang on to the donkey’s reins without
rain trickling up my sleeves. That was so uncomfortable.
We slogged along silently, going uphill most of the way, or so seemed. I noticed that our fellow travelers were not calling out to each other so exuberantly, anymore. The clouds still look thick and dark towards our destination, the hills.
Thursday, 11 September 2014
The Mourning Elephants

Fwd: FW: The Elephants Knew
- ---- The Elephants Knew And some will say there is no God, try and tell that to the elephants. . . . THE ELEPHANT'S JOURNEY TO PAY RESPECT, BUT HOW DID THEY KNOW? Lawrence Anthony , a legend in South Africa and author of 3 books including the bestseller, The Elephant Whisperer. He bravely rescued wildlife and rehabilitated elephants all over the globe from human atrocities, including the courageous rescue of Baghdad Zoo animals during US invasion in 2003. On March 7, 2012 Lawrence Anthony died. He is remembered and missed by his wife, 2 sons, 2 grandsons, and numerous elephants. Two days after his passing, the wild elephants showed up at his home led by two large matriarchs. Separate wild herds arrived in droves to say goodbye to their beloved 'man-friend'. A total of 31 elephants had patiently walked over 112 miles to get to his South African House. Witnessing this spectacle, humans were obviously in awe not only because of the supreme intelligence and precise timing that these elephants sensed about Lawrence's passing, but also because of the profound memory and emotion the beloved animals evoked in such an organized way: Walking slowly, for days, making their way in a solemn one-by-one queue from their habitat to his house. Lawrence's wife, Francoise, was especially touched, knowing that the elephants had not been to his house prior to that day for well over 3 years. But yet they knew where they were going. The elephants obviously wanted to pay their deep respects, honoring their friend who'd saved their lives - so much respect that they stayed for 2 days 2 nights without eating anything. Then one morning, they left, making their long journey back home. SOMETHING IN THE UNIVERSE IS GREATER AND DEEPER THAN HUMAN INTELLIGENCE
Monday, 28 July 2014
Nightmare World
We live in a nightmare world. I’m sure there are people right at this moment who are surfing the net while trying to block out terrible memories. Maybe they are hiding behind the shame of having been brutally beaten. Maybe they have been verbally abused so many times they half believe the lies that are told them. I know a little girl who is constantly being bullied. I try to help but what will be the long range results of such cruelty? I also know a woman who was physically abused as a child and it carried over into her first marriage. She managed to escape when he threatened to shoot her and the children, but the second marriage was just as bad in different ways. Are you caught in the same sort of trap and no one seems to care and understand?
What are you being called? Do you believe the lies? How have you been treated today, this last week or month? Are you the victim of an alcoholic or someone who is mentally ill? Are you too fearful or ashamed to admit it? Do you have anyone to go to that you feel safe with?
I’m not sitting in an ivory tower somewhere and tossing down bits of advice to you. I’ve been in the gutter also. I have felt the anger, the hatred and depression that comes from being molested. But I have also learned how to forgive and the healing that eventually comes with it. It wasn’t easy. I suffered emotionally for many years because of what happened, but now I am free. Now I want to reach out a helping hand to you and let you know there is a way of escape. There is hope and a light at the end of the tunnel.
To start with I’d like you to repeat these words at least ten times a day.
I am precious in the eyes of the Lord. I do not deserve to be abused. God does not want me to be abused. I am a worthwhile person.
We can’t see the future so from one day to the next it might not seem like anything is changing, but if you trust God to lead you, someday you will be able to look back and see that things have gotten better. And remember I am praying for you.
Thursday, 24 July 2014
A Hard Nut to Crack
I heard that 50,000 people surge through Heathrow Airport on any given day. But even in that vast multitude someone I had never seen or heard of before zeroed in on me as being a fellow Christian. I never held up a sign announcing my faith but somehow people can tell because we serve a Risen Savior and His spirit dwells within us. We shared for a few minutes about what is most important in our lives. Actually this happened to me twice. I think the other time was in Rye. In the hustle and bustle of life I would never recognise them again, but on the Other Side there will be instant recognition!
P.S. Just this last week I got to talking to strangers, one in a restaurant the other at a cellphone shop. Both were pretty soon sharing with me the important things they were praying about. Did I tell them I was a Christian? Did I tell them I believed in prayer? No, and no. True Christianity is not a dead religion. We serve a Living Saviour and people can tell. Do you know Him? Do you want to find out why we have such a strong faith in Him?
Friday, 28 February 2014
Apprehended: Part Two
Claudine nodded. “ Pieter and Nicholaes do not play too far from the path. We need to go home after a while to make supper for your father.”
“Where is Margriete?” Verena asked while she was making silly facial expressions to get the rosy cheeked lad to giggle.
“Over yonder,” Claudine pointed. “She is gathering an armful of flowers to fill our rooms with.”
“Meenen is such a pretty little town.”
Claudine fell silent. At least it doesn't have a dungeon like Ypres does. She suddenly felt cold and it had nothing to do with the stirring of a summer-like breese. How I would hate to be confined to a dark prison cell when the air is so fresh and there are all kinds of interesting things to do. She felt her grip tighten around the baby's small form. Verena didn't notice Claudine's change of mood. She was already rushing back to chat with Margriete.
“Mama!” Pieter called. “May I hold Jans please?”
Claudine handed the baby to his brother who promptly sat down in the grass and entertained him by tickling his face with a daisy.
What happy, sweet children I have, and such a good husband. Why then am I feeling cast-down in my soul, all of a sudden? Claudine started singing and the rich, pure tones filled the air with a rare beauty.
Claudine had a good soup cooking by the time Piersom entered the door. Claudine quirked her eyebrows. He didn't bound in with his usual boisterous good humor.
Piersom motioned for her to step outside.
“Margariete, you can start feeding Jans. He's so hungry after all that fresh air this afternoon. Yes, Piersom?”
Her husband closed the door behind Claudine before speaking. Then he laid his hands on her shoulders and looked deep into her warm, brown eyes. “ Hendric matched my step as I was returning home from work.”
Claudine nodded. Why such a sober look?
“Titelmannus is out and about.”
“Who is he?”( Why did I whisper?)
“The Dean of Ronse.”
When his wife still wore a blank expression, Piersom continued, “The Inquisitor.Hendric, a pious councillor warned me to flee. I will hide in yonder woods.He has found out that I am a believer.”
“Could you not pause to sup with us? You will be tired after such a long day.”
“Nay, I must hasten. He may have rounded up the bailiffs already to come and fetch me.” He turned to go, then paused. “You come, to, Claudine. They may be after you as well.”
Claudine knew the danger they were in. “I will fetch the baby, but you go! Go! Don't wait for me! I'll be but a moment later.”
“Where's Papa?”
“Why doesn't Papa come in for supper? I am hungry!”
“Papa and I are going for a little walk. Go ahead and eat. Pieter, you can lead in prayer. Hallo Janzie! My what a sopping wet baby! Did he eat much?”
Margariete nodded. “Everything that I mashed up for him.”
Claudine quickly and deftly changed the baby's sodden garments then hurried out the door.
She saw a ragtag, but determined looking bunch of men heading down the street so ducked into the woods and quickened her pace.
Page 737
Claudine de Vettre
Wednesday, 26 February 2014
This is based on a very recent happening in our local city.
Melissa glanced into the back seat of the pickup. Good, Addison has fallen asleep. She had had a rough night, well they both had actually, and she sure didn't begrudge her daughter a little shut eye even though she would probably wake up at least briefly once they got home. Just one more stop and then I'll be able to make a quit, late lunch before putting her down for a proper nap.
Melissa automatically reached for the key after easing to a stop at her friends place. No, it's too cold to shut off the vehicle even for a second. I'll just pick up that tupperware container I left then be back in two shakes of a lambs tail.
Melissa leaped out of the light brown pick up and hurried to the door. Something made her stop and turn around. It was the sound of a motor. A familiar motor! The motor of their own Dodge truck. What! What? Someone had leaped into their pickup and was driving off with it!
Melissa started shrieking and screaming and soon several neighbours were flocking to their doors.
“My baby! Someone stole my baby!”
In spite of Melissa's near hysteria her friends understood her dire predicament and were soon rushing to their own vehicles. Everyone threw caution to the winds as they raced to catch up with the illusive vehicle. It was out of sight! Which way did it turn?
“My baby! Where oh where is my baby,” Melissa wailed.
Everyone heard her, but no one responded. It was urgent that Addison be returned to her loving mother's care.
“She'll be so frightened!” Melissa moaned.
Someone slammed on their brakes in front of the police station and made a report. Soon the news was being broadcasted all over the community, the province, maybe even the whole country. Even text messages were being flashed from phone to phone. Look out for a pale brown pickup and the license number was given. Everybody was looking, everyone was concerned. A baby! A seven month old baby separated from her mother? How terrible! It brought out the best in people.
Three long hours passed. It probably felt like weeks to the distressed young mother. All her friends were doing all they could, and she had No Idea how many strangers were also on the lookout.
“She's found! The baby is found!” How quickly the news spread in this age of rapid communication. She had been left on someone's' doorstep. Hopefully still in her carseat and well bundled up and thankfully someone had been at home.
The criminals had been found and the baby is safe in her mother's arms. So ends the story. But no! That is not the ending! Can't you see the parallel?Far too many babes in Christ are also snatched away by the Evil One. Can't we see the danger they are in? Can't we see how lonely and frightened they also may be? Can we at least try to care for them at least as much as sweet little Addison was cared about? Sound the alarm! Another of God's children has been stolen! Don't go to sleep without uttering a heartfelt prayer for at least one of them, and do what you can to bring them back to safety.
Thursday, 5 September 2013
Oops! Wrong Food!
What do little boys do when they’re hungry? Why, find food, of course! And that’s what “Billy’ did to. Only problem is, he looked in the wrong place, and it got him into a lot more trouble than he had bargained for. Church was over, but all the Mommy’s and Daddy’s were attending some sort of a council meeting afterwards, and the little folks weren't allowed to be with them. Well, as time went on Billy and his friends were getting more and more hungry so they started looking around and they found something to eat! No, it wasn’t pop and potato chips, but it would do in a pinch! There was lots of fresh, yummy bread,( or something!) and what’s this drink? They weren't sure what to make of it, but drank (lots) anyways.
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I will leave it to your imagination just how impressed those grownups were when they discovered those sadly intoxicated youngsters, and they were punished severely.
Linda also associated church with severe disapproval and punishment. This was a place where the ‘sisters’ were always glaring at the small fry as they filed timidly in, and Linda was sure she was guilty of some unnamed sin. On top of that they had to stare at that image of a Dead Man all the time. What good was a dead god? As time went on Linda began to think he wasn’t much good for anything and she began to despise—well, at least challenge him. Hey, if you were slammed with as much abuse from the effects of alcoholism, are you sure you wouldn't have reacted the same way?
As time went on life got worst instead of better, and eventually she got married, BUT her husband got cancer, and her mother-in-law was also dying. She had planned on a nursing career but ended up devoting her time and talents to elderly relatives when they were nearing their end. Stress! (Remember to pile that on top of the other stuff I told you about.)
Well time went on, and one day a man came in to their house. I think he was a Bed and Breakfast guest, but I am not sure. He went into the living room and started walking around. That made Linda furious because she sensed he was praying for her. She must have loudly proclaimed her opinion of God which is why he had responded that way.
Okay, tightly close the curtain on that scene, and come a little closer. Do you see that halo of light around the praying woman? Do you see the radiance; the sheer joy in her face? Do you know what happened? Do you? When she came to Jesus, repenting, she was touched by the hand of God. She was cleansed, forgiven, healed. Linda knew what it was like to feel so defiled by the unspeakable misuse of others that she would scrub herself until her skin bled, but now she felt so clean, so PURE! Never again did she feel the need to scrub her skin raw. A bath became a pleasure like it is meant to be. With rapture she clung to that feeling of purity that the loving Father gave her. Now Linda serves a risen Saviour; one that set her free and gives her victory. Do you serve Him, to?
P.S. It thrills me each time I hear a story about someone who has found the Light especially if they haven't even known loving, praying Christians. Maybe you have a story to share. I would love to hear it! Maybe you also have gotten a glimpse of that lovely, beckoning light. Follow it. Please do.
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