I heard that 50,000 people surge through Heathrow Airport on any given day. But even in that vast multitude someone I had never seen or heard of before zeroed in on me as being a fellow Christian. I never held up a sign announcing my faith but somehow people can tell because we serve a Risen Savior and His spirit dwells within us. We shared for a few minutes about what is most important in our lives. Actually this happened to me twice. I think the other time was in Rye. In the hustle and bustle of life I would never recognise them again, but on the Other Side there will be instant recognition!
P.S. Just this last week I got to talking to strangers, one in a restaurant the other at a cellphone shop. Both were pretty soon sharing with me the important things they were praying about. Did I tell them I was a Christian? Did I tell them I believed in prayer? No, and no. True Christianity is not a dead religion. We serve a Living Saviour and people can tell. Do you know Him? Do you want to find out why we have such a strong faith in Him?marilynfriesen.blogspot.com