In the
lookout tower on the Castle of Love, one of the watchmen held the
high powered binoculars to his eyes and slowly scanned the desert
waste that spread out before him right to the distant horizon.
you see any activity?” The young soldier at his side asked.
The watchman
handed the binoculars over to him and pointed. “See that little
group at just slightly less than one-oh-five? They seem to be
wearying of the way.”
“Shall I send a dart? One of Agape's darts?”
“Shall I send a dart? One of Agape's darts?”
The watchman
shook his head. “No, not yet; hook up the sound waves and we will
see if we can catch what they are saying.”
watchman was intently scanning the desert once again. He looked over
the glasses. “Yes?”
recorded the conversation. It is rather faint and staticy in places,
but see what you think of it.”
watchman adjusted the earphones and turned up the volume, and this is
what he made out.
everyone, I think there is a castle over yonder.”
Fiona. That’s just a mirage. There are no castles in these parts.”
what if it was. Just what if! Then we could find rest and shelter.”
watchman whipped off the earphones, eyes shining; “Shoot a dart,
shoot one of Cupid’s darts,” He cried, “But aim true!”
hand trembled as he shot not once, not twice but three times! Others
crowded around and watched in breathless suspense as the darts
glistened and soared in the dry summer’s heat.
dart had hit its mark; Fiona’s breast. They exuberantly clapped
each other on the back while Daniel snatched up the ear phones and
someone else the binoculars.
hand pressed against her chest. “I felt such a warmth come over me
when I spoke of that castle, just now. Kelsey let’s try to find it.
Maybe it is a true haven. It looks so beautiful as if the light
diffuses from within.”
picked up another dart; it still had a slight glow and was warm to
the touch.
maybe are right. I also am weary of this desert land.” But he
hesitated, and then threw the dart down. The others had already
started to walk on ahead.
whirled to face his Captain. “May I go? May I rush over there and
lead them to safety?”
Captain was pleased with the youthful enthusiasm. “Go, lad, but
remember to use much tact and discretion. They are used to their old
ways and may not be eager to change. ”
other young recruits leaned over the balustrade surrounding the tower
and watched him march swiftly through the gathering darkness, his
trusty lamp held high as he traveled.
dangerous out there,” Simon observed.
but he is following instructions, and not going out on his own,”
James reminded him.
nodded as they watched the tiny prick of light grow smaller then leap
high when Daniel reached the small group who were sitting on boulders
and eating their lunch.
the King bless his efforts,” The watchman murmured with moist eyes,
while the others nodded in agreement.

and Arthur laid out their game pieces to plan their strategy. “We
will be cut off from friends and family if we leave,” Arthur
pointed out, moving one of his men.
shook his head. “They’ll get over it. They’ll be disappointed
and heartsick of course, but we’ll keep in touch.”
we can.”
For a few
minutes all that could be heard was the shuffling of game pieces and
the occasionally squeak of a chair.
say that the Outside World is flat and there is a tremendous drop off
at the edge.”
grimaced. “And that we will fall and fall and never stop falling
even while being engulfed with flames.”
`”Sure it
does, but we’ll stay well away from the drop off point—if there
is one.”
says one can be sucked in quite unexpectedly just about anywhere.”
does he know?”
was there, and escaped by the skin of his teeth as it where, when a
friend was sucked in.”
sitting here scaring each other. That desert looks so attractive with
the setting sun lighting it up and we are much too confined in here.
Let’s just go. We can always come back.”
swept all the game pieces into a cloth bag and tossed it on to one of
the cots.
let’s go.” They let themselves into the hall way and looked both
ways before continuing.
are you going?” a sister paused while scurrying down the hall with
a tray for an invalid. “It’s almost suppertime.”
soon be back,” Gilbert answered evasively. She leveled a thoughtful
look at them but didn’t try to block their
“Let’s try to go out by the concealed trapdoor. That way we won’t be noticed by so many.”
“Let’s try to go out by the concealed trapdoor. That way we won’t be noticed by so many.”
Arthur yelped, “I didn’t know the descent was so steep!” They
looked over the embankment, almost chickening out.
castle was built on a cliff with slick embankments on all sides. “I
didn’t mean to descend so rapidly,” Arthur muttered a moment
later, trying to keep his balance while slowing his pace.
flew open here and there!
Arthur! Looks like he’s in trouble!”
“And Gilbert! Throw out the lifeline!”
“And Gilbert! Throw out the lifeline!”
no, that’s okay,” Gilbert retorted grabbing on to a thick,
twisted root that reminded him ominously of a huge snake. “We’ll
make it.”
ascended up to the King while they picked their way carefully down
the steep embankment but they didn’t listen.
be better after we get on to level ground,” Gilbert muttered half
to himself. He took the liberty to glance back. My,
the castle had never looked so beautiful…so strong…and
mentally shook his head; but
it is too confining. I want to see what the Outside World is like.
time to time they heard someone calling them from the sheltering
walls above but mostly ignored them. They were fine. They didn’t
need any help.
Very soon
another type of help appeared. From below many hands reached out to
give them assistance. If the boys were surprised or even cynical
about receiving help from those who used to ignore them, they didn’t
show it.
Daniel had been sitting and chatting with Fiona and Kelsey for well over an hour when the others came to see what was delaying them. One or two paused to listen momentarily but turned away. Eventually Fiona offered Daniel a drink, but he declined, saying he had brought his own along.
visited late into the evening, and Daniel accepted the invitation to
spend the night with them. Fiona discretely watched him long after
the others had retired to their beds of ease. As Daniel knelt beside
his simple straw pallet he was pressing something to his heart. It
seemed to be emitting sound waves that give off a faint glow. By
ducking from behind one huge cactus to the next, she was able to get
closer, and soon understood that Daniel was communicating with the
King from that far distant castle. Something about watching and
listening to him warmed her heart even though she couldn’t
understand the dialect. She crept off to bed, resolved to learn more
about the King, the castle and the people in it.
hours later Kelsey woke up. He wasn’t sure what had jarred him out
of his slumbers, but he lay there stiff and tense, listening for the
faintest sounds. There seemed to be a scuffle going on outside his
tent. He crept to the door and opened the flap. It took him a moment
to recognize that Daniel seemed to be in a life and death struggle
with someone who was huge and menacing; dark and ugly.
while he watched, he noticed that Daniel’s armor, which had been
invisible up until then, was glowing brightly and Kelsey marveled how
distinctly he could see the different parts. He wore a helmet with
the word Salvation emblazed in gold across it, and his breastplate
was stamped with the symbol for righteousness.
sighed; how I wish I could have such beautiful armor! The
battle wore on, and Kelsey worried that Daniel would weary against
such a terrible enemy. He noticed Daniel stop to take a few quick
swallows from his water of Life flask, which invigorated him. When
the light was dawning in the eastern sky, the evil giant slunk away
into the shadows, and Daniel could rest.
lay awake, thinking of what he just saw and a longing filled his
bosom to become that strong a soldier in a Worthy Cause.

Daniel was called to service in a different area, and although he
more or less lost touch with Fiona and Kelsey, he frequently sent
prayer darts their way and trusted that the King would see it to that
at least some of them would reach their mark.
day Kelsey chanced to meet a young man who looked vaguely familiar
and he took an instant liking to him. It didn’t take long before he
realized that they had never actually met, but that James had an
inner serenity that radiated from within just like Daniel did.
Because they both knew Daniel, it was easy to strike up a
conversation. Kelsey soon learned that Daniel was serving on a
distant island very close to the Edge of the World where the enemy
had much power. That touched Kelsey’s heart. He
really must be filled with compassion if he is willing to serve in
such a lonely and difficult sphere.
and his young wife, Marissa, sometimes invited their new found
friends to do things together with them, and in the process of time,
Kelsey and Fiona found themselves gazing more often at that splendid
castle on the Hill.
seems so lofty and difficult to reach,” Fiona murmured one day.
really not as hard as it appears,” Marissa countered. “There are
always guards on duty that will roll out rope ladders whenever a
sincere seeker wants to enter.”
“Why don’t they keep the ladders down at all times?” Fiona asked.
“Why don’t they keep the ladders down at all times?” Fiona asked.
and Marissa exchanged glances.
you noticed?” Kelsey asked. “The cliff is swarming with enemy
soldiers who are constantly striving to get in.”
face fell, and the embroidery that her hands were occupied with went
gave her husband a questioning look.
What is Fiona concerned about.
are constantly bombarding the fortress,” James explained, soberly.
“It’s all in a day’s work. “
their terrible losses?” Fiona asked in a hushed voice.
are losses, yes, but mostly when someone goes out feeling over
confident and doesn’t follow the King’s instructions or neglects
to wear every piece of the armor that he has been commanded to put
don’t always die, though,” Marissa added quickly. “Sometimes
they are rescued in time and recuperate in the infirmary.” She was
relieved to see Fiona’s tense features relax.
stiffened, “Look, James, look over there. Is that not Gilbert?
“Gilbert? Gilbert who?”
“Gilbert? Gilbert who?”
you remember Gilbert? He’s the one that left---“
Arthur! “ James snatched up his dart gun and shot a prayer over to
the plodding traveler. He grabbed his binoculars while Kelsey and
Fiona watched fascinated.
hand reached up to his chest. He sighed. What
wouldn’t I give to be back in the Castle once again? There I knew
security and peace. I have wandered for many a day and chased many
mirages but none have satisfied like the life I used to know in that
beautiful castle.
is long gone. It wasn’t long, before we got in a fight and parted
ways. Who knows where he might be by now.
an instant James was at his side with the others joining them
Hello, Gilbert! Fancy meeting you here!”
time no see!” Why
can’t I remember the fella’s name? I’m sure we have met
meet my wife Marissa and some friends of ours, Kelsey and Fiona.”
tried hard to hide his bewilderment with smooth, socially correct
phrases, but simply could not place the guy. Marissa
sensed his confusion, so decided to drop a hint,
didn’t you and Gilbert go to school together at the Castle back in
’84 and there abouts? “
“We sure did. “ James clapped his hand on Gilbert’s shoulder and with moist eyes continued; “We have sure missed you, Gilbert. Wouldn’t you like to come back?”
“We sure did. “ James clapped his hand on Gilbert’s shoulder and with moist eyes continued; “We have sure missed you, Gilbert. Wouldn’t you like to come back?”
seemed to have forgotten that Kelsey and Fiona were there, observing.
hung his head.
King has sent out many messengers searching for you,” Marissa added
know,” His voice was almost inaudible.
bit her lip and wondered why her eyes were so wet. Kelsey reached for
her hand and clasped it as they backed slowly away from the intensely
private moment.
is where we belong,” Fiona murmured lifting her eyes to the glass
castle radiant with an inner beauty.
know,” Kelsey declared. Gladly would he be purged from his old ways
so he could be fit to fight for a King who ruled with such tremendous
wisdom and compassion.
they drew closer to the cliff walls many unsavory hands reached out
to pull them back, both human, and Other Worldly, but they were
determined. They saw a window fling open as a friend Fiona hadn’t
seen in years called out to them. In the next instant a ladder was
unfurled and as they scrambled upwards, the efforts to pull them away
from the glorious fortress became more frantic. As they drew nearer,
the gates to the Castle were flung wide open and light poured forth.
as they knelt as the portal to receive an anointing, a bugle’s
lovely notes floated clearly over the surrounding district. High from
the tower’s pinnacle, a white flag of victory fluttered, causing
the enemy to gnash their teeth in frustration.
is where we belong,” Fiona said once again as they were ushered
into the throne room of the King.”
this is where we will remain,” Kelsey declared, as they knelt in
adoration before the majestic ruler of the Kingdom of Love.
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