Showing posts with label worries. Show all posts
Showing posts with label worries. Show all posts

Tuesday, 10 February 2015

Silly White Stuff

“Isn’t it ridiculous picking up this silly white stuff day after day?”
“Shh, you had better be careful what you say. God sent it. Would you rather be eating… eating, well who knows what and dying of thirst like our forefathers practically did before Moses struck the Rock?”
“Yes,” a younger voice piped up, “And he sure got in trouble for doing that. Now he won’t be able to go into the Promised Land.”
“Promised Land,” the first one scoffed. “We’ve been wandering in this desert for nearly twenty years already. Why, you and I and everyone else our age was born after they were shut out of that so called Promised Land.” Dinah huffed as she swung a big basket over her arm. “I’m getting a weeks’ supply of that manna. I’m sick and tired of gathering it every single day just because Mama is so sickly all the time.”
“Go ahead,” her friend Lilka scoffed, “You know what Moses warned us would happen. I’ve heard rumors it has already  in some other areas of ‘tent city’.
Twenty four hours passed. Same time same station as it were, the only difference was facial expressions, mostly, and of course the conversation had changed.
Dinah looked so sullen, or was it subdued, that Lilka and Josiah didn’t dare say a word to her.  They had observed her, from a distance mind you, trying to dispose of a whole week’s supply of moldy wormy manna and trying unsuccessfully not to throw up over the whole repulsive mess.

Dinah learned her lesson, have we to? God simply does not want us to gather too many worries for example. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.

Some might wonder if I sit down at the beginning of every month and map out the topics I will be writing about for the next thirty days.
“ Nope, not a chance.”
“ Well, for the next week then?”

“ Uh uh.  Why bother, I want my manna (which comes from Heaven) fresh and new.” Give us our day our daily bread.  

Tuesday, 23 December 2014

Seeking Shelter in a Cave

24 Chisleu
December 8th

I feel that my time is drawing nigh, and I am  anxious. It is
frightening to think of having my baby without my mother, or
a midwife, nearby. I am worried about the baby. What will happen if
He comes before we can move on to a better dwelling? This cave is not
clean enough!

Two of the wayfarers, a middle-aged couple, were cooperative and helped us out, but some of the others growled that they were here first, and were not at all inclined to be agreeable under such chilly weather conditions.

I fear they have been indulging too long in the wine that is red.

Oh, surely, surely Adonai, hallowed be His Name, will be with me during this difficult time. My every breath is a prayer that  Adonai will
protect His own Beloved Son and me.

By the dejected slope of, Yosef’s shoulders, I can sense that he feels
that he has somehow failed me and us. I must stop writing, now, and tell
him how warm and inviting it all looks by the light of the lamp. Surely
these stabbing pains will ease off now that I have a place to rest. It seems

 too soon for the little one to make His appearance.

Friday, 19 December 2014

Jesus' Mother Huddling in the Rain

Now, let’s see. Where did I leave off, last? How often will I have to post to get this done by Christmas? Okay, okay, I’ll step out of the picture so you can immerse yourself into the First Christmas Story.

21st Chisleu
December 6th

First light, if you can call it that, I heard a wind come up during the night, and by morning the clouds had blotted out the sun. The Geshem, (latter rains) descended upon us with a vengeance, we were miserable even before Balaam’s saddlebags
were properly repacked. Yosef and I donned our thick woolen cloaks,
but it was impossible for me to hang on to the donkey’s reins without
rain trickling up my sleeves. That was so uncomfortable.

We slogged along silently, going uphill most of the way, or so seemed. I noticed that our fellow travelers were not calling out to each other so exuberantly, anymore. The clouds still look thick and dark towards our destination, the hills.