Now why did I have to dream about him? In spite of things that happened in my childhood and teen years I haven’t been plagued by those kinds of dreams. Why now?
There was a large glossy topped table between us but it was obvious that he was after me. I would rapidly walk a few steps then stop. So would he. He would cross his arms and give me a slightly sneering grin. I glanced around at the wood paneled walls. No windows and doors in sight, no escape route. I started moving again and so did he. This kept on for a while. I knew he was just wearing me down in his tormentingly leisurely way.
I dropped to my knees, putting my head on my arms, and cried out to God. Then my alarm rang. He vanished, but I was still troubled. Why did I dream about him?
My husband had an explanation that echoed my own.
“It was a good dream,” he said. “Because you knew where to turn, you cried out to God.” (Something like that.) “Your Dad represents evil to you.”
But why did I dream it? Why, why? And then I knew. There are those of you that are facing situations like that. You and ‘him’ seem to be going round and round the table. He ‘knows’ he will wear you down eventually and is gloating. But will he? Does he have to? No. Sure you have an adversary, but you also have an Advocate. Jesus is our protector and guide out of difficult situations.
But do you have an advocate? Have you found Jesus to be a haven of rest ‘in the trying scenes of life’ as one song put it? He doesn’t wave a magic wand and make all your troubles disappear but He will be there for you making you stronger, giving you comfort. Admit that you can’t ‘escape’ on your own. Admit that you are poor and needy in need of a Savior and commit everything to the lovingly Heavenly Father’s care.

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