Showing posts with label light. Show all posts
Showing posts with label light. Show all posts

Thursday 27 April 2017

Don't Forget the Bread

The Light Around Us

I’m going to tell you about this man; I'll call him Cham and the touch he felt from God. It's pretty remarkable, AND it's true. O.K, it started out this way; his wife needed to get to work and she asked him to pick up a loaf of bread and some other

things. Pretty basic, eh?


Only problem is he got distracted and ended up in the beer parlor and the money ended up in the wrong cash register. Needless to say, the wife was pretty disappointed, but a week later the same thing happened again or rather was about to happen. He was pretty busy having a good time with his friends, same time, same location, sort of thing when he needed to visit the restroom. Now things got pretty interesting: when he walked out he looked out and lo and behold a light was shining all around him. I don't think he paid too much attention to it at first but went to join his companions, and they were gone! He asked the waitress about them, and all she could say was that they had upped and left. Well, he decided to go searching, but couldn't find them, but he did notice that the light was still surrounding him so decided to let it lead him. Cham followed the light in that otherwise dark night, and it led him up to a narrow river which he decided to cross although it came up to his waist, then later across another river, until it eventually lead him back home.

I believe this experience left a deep impression on Cham. He didn't always follow the Light, (God's light) as closely as He should, but he tried and God was able to bring him out of his ignorance and darkness to a closer walk with Him. He can do the same for you. Just follow the little light you have, pray and He will lead you, us one step at a time. When we look back, we will often recognize how He lead us better than we can at the moment.

Thursday 29 September 2016


I came across a verse this morning that wasn’t particularly familiar but it intrigued me because it was right along the line I had been thinking lately.

Wednesday 4 February 2015

Stepping Stones of Life

  In the beautiful valley of Somewhere    
Lies a woodland green and lush
Where the melody of a songbird
Scatters the evening hush.

The dewdrops are sparkling sweetly
On the bluebells, violets and rose
And through the slanting sunlight
A moss-covered footbridge shows.

Meandering footstones are leading
Leading me who-knows-where;             
Sometimes through wild flower meadows
Sometimes near Wolf and the bear.
Flat rugged stones of beauty
Marking the pathway for me
But in the deepening darkness 
They fade to obscurity 

A tiny frail lantern is lifted
As I pick my way through the gloam*  
 This lovely, faint footpath I’ll cherish
For it is guiding me Home.

Marilyn Friesen

Life is pretty good with Jesus by our side, right.


Tuesday 30 December 2014

So This Is Me...

I live and breathe writing, but not just any kind. Penetrating the darkness seems to be a pet theme, or phrase with me. This world is so full of shadows that come in many different shapes and forms. You know what the chains that want to tighten you are, whether they are poverty, fear, pain, heartache in its many kinds, or something else. I have given my life to bringing a ray of light into this dark and hurting world.
Another thought I like is this description of a glowing candle.  It is warm and beckoning with just enough of a glow to be deeply appreciated, but not so much that you feel unhappy with the glare or the heat.
Come in and help yourself to a candle and let's walk together towards Jesus who is the Light of the world.

Lovingly, Marilyn

P.S. I’m not a very conspicuous person: auburn haired, round faced, smiley with gentle eyes and what you might call an old fashioned grandmotherly look.  Because we like people so much we have a bed and breakfast. If you want to visit us you can find it under the listings for air bnb (bed and breakfast) Alberta.

Friday 31 October 2014

The Cries Seemed to Be Coming From Farther Away

She was going in the wrong direction! She made a quarter turn, carefully shuffling forward. Her hand touched something hard and she felt around it. It was the door frame. Were the children inside the house, or out? Well, the baby would be inside. She must find Lill-dae-nan at least.She dropped to her knees, crawling slowly along. Something also moving, rubbed against her arm. Re-bae-taih screamed. It felt soft and furry.

Saturday 26 October 2013

How Does It Go?

Does anyone know all the words to this poem? I'd sure like to have them if you do.

 I met a friend in the night
Whose lamp had ceased to shine
I paused and let her light
Her lamp from mine.

A storm came up in the night
And shook the world about
And when the storm was gone 
My lamp was out.

But back to me that friend came
Her lamp was glowing fine
She paused and lighted mine.