Now where did I see that story? It was so beautiful, so touching…so
full of mother love that I absolutely wanted to share it with you.
We are happy to realise that most mothers would be willing to
give their all for their children, but fortunately most of us aren't asked to make
such great sacrifices.
But one mother was. She rose instantly to the occasion. Now
this is where the details become a little blurry in my mind but not enough to
make an impact on the story!
They had gone camping, out in the mountains. They had
stopped along some little used road to look around at the breathtaking view
below and around them. The children soon jumped back into the suburban. The
vehicle started rolling. Downwards! The mother saw what was happening! But what
could she do? What?! She ran! She threw herself down in front of that heavy
van. She felt the impact, but it slowed, it slowed the momentum and it didn't
go hurtling into the chasm below. By
then, her husband, who was on the other side of the vehicle managed to leap in
and turn it off.
But was she hurt? You better believe it. Did she die? No.
Thank God she survived but at a great cost. For years she underwent surgery, therapy
and what not all, but was never able to walk again.
Was it worth it? By the light on her face in the picture,
and the adoration of the children, she knew it was.
Some of you might find it painful to read a story like this.
Your mother never cared. You’re sure your mother never did or would do anything
sacrificial for you. Jesus knows that. He knows where you are. But He cares. Here’s
a powerful promise. It’s found in the Bible but I’ll put it in my own words.
“Can a mother forget the baby she is nursing? Yes, it could
happen, but God will never forget you.” Isaiah 49:15. In another place it says
that the hairs on our head are all numbered. I think Jesus mentioned that to
show how interested, how He cares about every single detail in our lives.
Maybe your earthly mother and father have left your with an
aching void of loneliness in your heart, or maybe you have it in spite of their
tender loving care. I didn't