Wednesday 3 September 2014

Dear Grieving Friend

 Dear Friend,

I met you for the first time yesterday and saw immediately that there was depth in your eyes. Not tears, like in this picture, but depth. I sensed that you had drank deeply from the dregs of sorrow . Sister, you have known pain and suffering and I sympathize with you for being politely reserved. Our mutual friend later shared a little what you have gone through. I am not the type to push my way into someone elses' life by invading their privacy so this is just to let you know that I care. You are being remembered in my prayers. Prayers for your spiritual and emotional healing. I'll leave it up to the judgment of the woman who introduced us to decide whether or not to share this with you. Please don't feel embarrassed, but do feel loved.

You can use this like a card to share with someone you love.

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