Tuesday 24 December 2013

I Saw an Angel (Preview of the First Christmas)

Somehow I seemed to have missed out on posting this all important story
April 3

ll Nisan 749

Deary Diary,
My thoughts have been soaring heavenward with yearning to be one with Ha Shem especially today because the sky shone like shining, molden gold. The whole atmosphere seemed to be hushed, as if standing on tiptoe in the Shekinah (Presence) of Adonai; the glorious presence of the Lord of Lords.

Many furlongs away the Sea of Galilee is rippling under the same glorious sunset. If it reminds me so much like Paradise here, what must it be like over the waves?

I was lingering near our almond tree which is shrouded with a thousand pink-merged-with-white flowers.

Over my arm hung a basket filled with eggs since I had just finished collecting them from our sprightly laying hens. Then a dazzling dove swept by. It caught my attention. She was such a white contrast to the beautiful horizon. As I gazed upon hrer, I wondered if perchance this would be the time I would see where her little fledgings were hidden. I had been intently watching her for some time, now.
I was also enjoying the fresh invigoring breese against my cheeks. It was sweetly scented with the fragrance of a million early flowers.Then a voice seemed to float towards me. I don't know how else to describe it. i looked around, but saw no one. There was such a quietness, and calmness in the twlight stillness, that I was not afraid, just mildly curious. While my eyes swept the glowing sky, and dewy green landscape a marvellous Being appeared. He seemed to materilize out of thin air, but for some reason I was pleasantly intrigued, rather than terrified.

Then in angelic tones, this glorious creature who was arrayed in garments that dazzled like snow spoke to me...

to be continued

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