Monday 14 October 2013

Do You Mean It?

Lonnie wandered in, looking boring. “Grammie, may I have a banana?”

“I’m sorry, sweetheart, but we are right out.”
needn't have bothered answering. He was already wandering away looking for something else to do.
 That’s scene one.
Scene Two: “Grammie, I’m hungry, may I have a banana?”
“I’m sorry, sweetheart, we are right out. I used the last for banana bread last night.” He hung around while I was busying myself with household tasks. “May I have a yogurt then, or an orange? “
Scene Three: (Me)
“God, could you bless, Kayla, today?”
He looked up interestedly. Does she really mean it? But, no, she is already thinking about something else.
Let’s change the scenario a bit.
“God, please help me to be more concerned about Kayla. Help me to know how to pray more effectively for her. May she think about You today and yearn for a closer walk with Thee. Touch her heart and may she sense Your guiding presence. Help me to care more.”
“Sure. I’ll work on it.”
See the difference sincerity makes?


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