Friday, 8 February 2013

Please Receive My Gift

He didn't seem to hear me, but He did hear the cries of the abused, abandoned and neglected. My eyes grew round with horror as I saw what He saw. The streets were now filled with what some call the vermin of humanity. Everyone from drug addicts to beggars a mere four years old, were wailing in anguish over their dismal state, although not a sound could be heard.  I looked eagerly at them. Surely they would hear the Master’s call, but their eyes were dark and hopeless.

“Why does no one respond?” I cried out in anguish.

“Why should they?” He asked gently. My eyes widened in shock.
“Because you are the Son of God! You came to save the world from their sins and they will be lost if they don’t accept You!”
He looked at me with a sad, gentle smile.
“I came as a Servant,” he said as if they explained everything. I must have looked dissatisfied with His answer, because He continued.

“My people have forgotten that they are servants. They assume that they are on the stage and the rest of society is below them. Some of them will reach down to the poor and needy from time to time, but that doesn’t help very much.” I nodded, slowly beginning to understand.

“Ye must be like the beggars,” he continued even while His hands were lifted up in compassion to the passing throng. “Ye have a Precious gift- an unfathomably priceless gift to offer but they don’t recognize it for what it is.  Get on the knees of your heart and plead with them to receive My treasure.”

I was deeply moved by His offer. “Lord, thy will be done. Use me as a servant.” The servant is not greater than his or her Master.

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