Showing posts with label church. Show all posts
Showing posts with label church. Show all posts

Monday 30 May 2016

The Geese Taught Him

There was once a man who did not believe in either the birth of Christ nor the spiritual meaning behind it, and was skeptical even of God. He and his family lived in a farming community. His wife was a devout believer and diligently raised her children in faith. He sometimes gave her a hard time about her belief and mocked her religious observances.

"It's all nonsense--why would God lower himself and become a human like us? Its such a ridiculous story," he   said.

One snowy day, she and the children left for church while he stayed home. After they departed, the winds grew stronger and the snow turned into a blinding snowstorm. He sat down to relax before the fire for the evening.

Then he heard a loud thump, something hitting against the window...and still another thump. He looked outside but could not see anything. So he ventured outside for a better view. In the field beside his house, of all the strangest things, a flock of geese. They were apparently flying to look for a warmer area down south, but they had been caught in the snowstorm. The storm had become to blinding and violent for the geese to fly or see their way. They were stranded on his farm, with no food or shelter, unable to do more than flutter their wings and fly in aimless circles. He had compassion for them and wanted to help them. He thought to himself, the barn would be a great place for them to stay. It is warm and safe; surely they could spend the night and wait out the storm. So he opened the barn doors for them.

He waited, watching them, hoping they would notice the open barn and go inside. Nevertheless, they did not not notice the barn or realize what it could mean for them. He moved closer toward them to get their attention, but they  just moved away from him out of fear.

He went into the house and came back with some bread, broke it up, and made a bread trail to the barn. They still did not catch on.

Starting to get frustrated, he went over and tried to shoo them toward the barn. They panicked and scattered in every direction except toward the barn. Nothing he did could get them into the barn where there was warmth, safety, and shelter. Feeling totally frustrated, he exclaimed, "why don't they follow me? Can't they see this is the only place where they can survive the storm? How can I possibly get them into the one place that can save them?"

He thought for a moment and realized that they just would not follow a human. He said to himself, "How can I possibly save them? The only way would be for me to become like those geese. If only I can become like one of them. They would follow me and I would lead them to safety."

At that moment, he stopped and considered what he had said. The words reverberated in his mind: if only I could become like one of them, then I could save them. Then, at last he understood God's heart towards mankind...and he fell on his knees.

There is a verse that goes with this story. John 3:16-17

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.

Author unknown 

Tuesday 17 May 2016

Guiding Light

Well, I think it is about time I ‘get on with the program’ and start talking about what I had intended to in the first place. Remember when I wrote that title about Better than a Fairy Tale? I must have left some of your scratching your heads, wonder what exactly was I talking about.

It’s heartbreaking growing up in a broken home. A person is left feeling sad and lonely, knowing that you are different from the rest and no one really understands. Oh, sure you try to conform on the outside, do what others do, but when you slip up and others notice, or maybe even avoid you, you feel it keenly, probably far more keenly than those who are basically secure would ever feel.

But live goes on, and when I reached my later teens, especially, I had a deep longing to have a happy, stable home like those around me. Many were the times I would go for long walks and cry out to the One who did empathise better than any human could.

I still marvel to this day that God had such a marvelous plan for my life. (For me, that little, flawed grain of sand that seemed so insignificant in my own eyes.)

Like I said, I spent a lot of time going for walks and praying the year I turned twenty. There was a tall straight spruce tree in the corner of our yard and one evening it pointed directly to a star. It seemed to have a message, or more specifically direction, for me.

At this time, I was living with my Mom and younger siblings in a small town within easy walking distance to the senior’s home where I was employed. It was about two miles out in the country. On one of these walks, it became clear to me that I wouldn’t marry one of the local young men, not that I'm sure what the significance of that information was.

Fall eased into winter then the cool, pleasant April days were upon us once again. Since our hometown hosted one of the larger churches in our denomination we had a rather large annual meeting held there that spring. There was well over a thousand in attendance but that wasn’t too many to confuse our Heavenly Father.

 Okay, sit up straight now, because this is where things get exciting. I was standing in the hall next to the Mother’s Room, (nursery) when way on the other side of the auditorium God pointed out a young man to me and said: ‘That’s the one you are going to marry.’

‘Hold on a minute. I have no idea who he is: he could be from California for all I knew!’ And on and on, but I couldn’t dismiss that thought all that easily. God wouldn’t let me.
 P.S. Please check out my book. (Link below.) If you want to escape from a troubled past and hope for a better future, this may be the most comforting book you will ever read.
The Kindle version will be free for five days starting June 1st.

Monday 4 November 2013

A Stranger in Our Midst

A Stranger In Our Midst
As Joy entered the large Sunday school room where Bible Study would be held, a warm feeling stole into her heart. She looked at the cheerful, complacent faces of her brothers and sisters who had ended up in the same class as her and it increased the feeling of security.

               A visitor was in their midst, and although many smiled cordially at him, no one was bold enough to ask for introductions; that is until Clifford came in.  Clifford had them all introduce themselves and the stranger said his name also. Joy heard him say David Schmidt clear enough, but his accent was unfamiliar so she couldn’t catch where he was from.  
               Soon her husband, Nathan, started the discussion by reading the first verse of the text and they continued around the circle until done. The danger of being led astray by false teachers was a weighty topic and led to a lively discussion. It seemed like everyone in the room was deeply concerned that they follow Jesus as closely as possible so that they would not be deceived.  Mention was made of losses in their midst, because of choosing an ‘easier’ way.  Joy loved being in Bible study: it felt like the walls of the invisible church were so strong and secure when she sensed the Holy Spirit’s presence flowing from heart to heart. All too soon the second bell rang and they filed out. Nathan stopped to shake David’s hand, and Joy listened to what the two men had to say.
               “Why don’t you ask him if he has a place for night?” Joy whispered to her husband, so he did.
               Soon church was over and David seemed reluctant to get into the car. Joy wondered how he had gotten to the meeting but didn’t think it was appropriate to appear too inquisitive. Since he seemed like such a quiet, yet likeable fellow, Nathan and Joy soon found themselves chatting with each other while he listened intently.
               David seemed taken aback when he saw their house. It took a moment for him to find his voice.
               “Is this where you live,” he asked?
               “Yes.” Nathan looked surprised. Why did he ask?
David hesitated, swallowed then asked. “Do you live here all by yourself?”
               “Yes, well, with my wife. Come on in and we’ll make some coffee.”

               David seemed more hesitant and amazed then ever after they walked in the house. He stood and looked around for a full minute before it registered that Nathan had suggested that he sit down.